Admission Procedure & Policy

COS, Mukerian is an independent school and admission is entirely a matter of the management’s decision based on professional criterion and at the discretion of the Principal.
The purpose of our admission policy is to help you through the admission process effectively and to help you place your child in the appropriate class at Cambridge Overseas School. The more relevant information we have, the more effectively we will be able to achieve this.
To begin with, documentation which you need to submit with your application:
  • A copy of the child’s birth certificate (Original) in special cases attested photocopy of the relevant page from the child’s passport.
  • Official copies of the student’s academic reports for the past one years.
  • Six recent passport size coloured photographs.
  • Application Form.
  • Transfer Certificate from the previous school. (From class 2nd onwards).
Once your application is received, the admission process will begin. Your child’s age will give the initial indication as to the appropriate class, and the aptitude test will either confirm this or lead to further assessment.


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Postal Address:

Ward No.-10, Bada Bagowal,
Mukerian - 144211, Pb. India
Phone Number: 075089-14260, 075089-14251, 075089-14253
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